CEIE is rooted in a Jesuit, Catholic commitment to ecumenical 和 interreligious engagement, spiritual 和 indigenous pathways, 和 to cultural wisdom. Students, alumni, faculty, 和 partners from the university 和 within these communities 服务 on CEIE advisory councils.
CEIE is Led by a Diverse Core Team 和 Vibrant Advisory Structure.
CEIE Curates our own Laboratory where New Ideas Percolate - Religica!
CEIE is 首页 to The Interfaith Ob服务r Online Journal 和 Library.
Jesuit institutions of higher education aim to educate individuals 和 “transform cultures 和 societies” (GC 36, D1, n.34). We 'educate persons of integrity who will take up responsibility for themselves, for others, 和 for the earth that we all inhabit to make the world a better place.'
– Arturo Sosa, S.J., Superior General of the Society of JesusYour Financial Gift: 100% of your financial gift supports the present 和 future of CEIE. Please Inspire Us with Your Gift.